Spectrum of Services
- One Referral Centre - The incubation program by Incubation and Innovation Centre (IIC), is a One Referral Centre in nurturing start-up companies and technopreneurs from ideation to full commercialization of innovative products and services. It offers furnished offices, equipped with modern facilities and fully supported by secretarial and administration services.
- Handholding - Incubatees will be handhold for capacity building program with comprehensive and integrated coaching, mentoring, consultancy and training by our panel of appointed coaches, mentors, consultants & trainers. Rental incentives by relevant Government funding programs (e.g. from SME Corporation, SME Bank & Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism (MDTCC)) could also be arranged.
- Facilities - The incubatees are offered support facilities from TPM Subsidiaries; TPM Engineering, TPM IT, TPM Biotech and MOSTI-related agencies (e.g. MIMOS and SIRIM). They will be further facilitated with experts in technology and IPR-related matters.
- Financial Assistance - In financial aspects, the incubatees will be assisted to have access to the comprehensive and integrated fundings by Government or the private lending of commercial banks, venture capital institutions and angels. In the long run, there are also opportunities for business networking with local and international incubation service providers for greater market access.
- Technology Experts - A pool of researchers and expert panel are available for advice on the process development. Technology help desk also will be able to help the incubatees on IPR matters such as IP Mining, IP Drafting, IP Filing, IP Strategy & IP Management.
- Competitive Edge - Incubatees are associated with TPM image – a vibrant community with more than 100 technology-based companies which offers strong branding to incubatees and serves as a marketing edge to international market exposure.
- Network - In addition, as TPM is a member of various incubation associations, our incubatees will enjoy a vast market linkages; domestic and global. Our incubation network consists of National Incubation Network Association (NINA), Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI), Asia Pacific Incubation Network (APIN), Association of University Research Parks (AURP) and a few others